Everyday is Valentine
All through everyday, You've won red,at heart. You've maintained a bouquet of flowers,fresh. You've been a gift,priceless. Thinking Love,is thinking Wink, Thinking Wink,is thinking treasure, Thinking treasure,is thinking life, Thinking life,is thinking future, Thinking future, is together with Mercy. In my lowest moment you've stood with me, In my highest moments you've been proud of me. In my outbursting moments,you've remained calm for me. In my broke moments,you've taken water with me. In my failing moments you've forgiven me Nothing can reciprocate your unconditional love for me, Nothing can pay the sacrifices you've made for me, Nothing can equate,the patience you've had for me, Nothing can compare,the feel good you give me. Nothing and noone can occupy,the speci...