It's You I Want.
#That we can sit together and listen to the same tune of music the likes of Reuben Kigame,Emachichi,Don Moen, Michael W. Smith,Casting Crowns,Francesca Ballisteli, Brandon Hearthon,Tenth Avenue North,Jim Reeves....
#That I can bounce at your place and find you watching:Family Tv,God Tv,Sauti ya Rehema,Discovery Channel,National Geographic,Supersport or listening to:Hope Fm,Truth Fm,Radio 316...
#Always keeping each other on check on our spiritual warfare.
#Thinking together on how we can create God-friendly environment for all with the resources we'll be endowed with.
#That you know what is to be decent in every aspect of it;dressing,talking...
#That even in absentia I'll be at peace,just like you'll be,,knowing,we still trust each other.
#That for hangouts it will not be clubbing n like.
#That it's not the external but the internal;character,personality...We have the potential to amass all the material things we want but let that not be our starting point.
A day never passes without thinking about you,I've never met you or maybe I could.This ain't checklist but only a wish,I understand your world may not be my world but then some convergence will always help when things are between a rock and a hard place.
The physical eyes will lie to us but let the inner eyes n ears be wide open.
Be nice,be patient,be good it will come to happen.