How About Replacing Worry With Actions?

One of my favourite spot in campus was the centre of the rugby pitch.Saturday and Sunday were the most quiet days in campus.The environment was relaxed and the breeze was cool.On a Sunday after church,I could go take lunch and at around 1500 hrs,I would go sit down in a lotus position like one doing yoga meditation.My mind would start wandering into the issues of life.The biggest questions would be;

What will my future look like?
Will I be successful in  by all standards?
Why am I still in this world?
Was I born to become part of the statistics and just go?
Who will I marry?
Will I be able to go to heights I've seen other people go?
Will I afford decent life? A car? A home? Good education for my kids?
I usually left that spot with more questions than answers.

At times I just lay there and just forget the many questions about life.But then again they never ended,they kept on ring in my heart.I just had to find a solution.A solution I did not know where I would start.Some times, I would wish  I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth that I did not have to worry of what will  happen to my future.Especially in terms of financial provision.Do I have to toil so much that I will be able to provide for my rent,food and securing financial future of my future family?
The more I neared clearing school, the more worried I became.The more worried I became, the more worried I continued to be,the more helpless the situation became.

Fast forward.
In my cup right now, some of the questions I was worried about five years ago, have been answered. In fact, I wonder why I was worried. Right now, though, I have realized something. The questions I worried then have build up into something different. For instance, the question who I will marry; I already know who I will marry, but the questions now are; how will our marriage be? will I be a good husband? will we be happy?

Life happens in phases. At any phase there will still be more questions than the answers available. Nonetheless, choose one thing, not to be worried even a second. For what you  are worried now will cease to be an issue tomorrow. Just edge an action plan and stay focused to it. A milestone at a time.


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