Part IV:Son, Daddy Loves You

I reaped big after KCSE results were out.
With a chance to join campus I was more than jubilated.With so many uncertainty,fear of unknown and ignorance,the selection of course was a toll order for me.Being torn between Health,Business,Psychology and Engineering courses but somehow I found myself in Business.

I was glad because the concept of entrepreneurship has been a niche for my heart and the mention of  a hospital or sight of blood makes me sick,matters could have been worse if I was to work there though I could have adapted any way.But,I feel the forgone alternatives will in some way manifest themselves either in business,friends or life partner.

The best thing that happened to me is joining Campus.It's here that I've come to appreciate there are smarter guys than you,gathered confidence to face life,realized that majority are not always right, that one has to stand for what they believe is right,grown spiritually,..
I mean I heard,touched,saw,smelt,tasted,imagined all the good things of life with caution of course not to get myself in a ditch.

Son,I'm sure  by now you know what you want in life.I'm glad you realized your passions earlier than me,it will help you avoid lots of guess work.Pursue them to the end,the talent you have is a great tool of sustenance.There is no standard as to how you may live but I would advocate ascribe to the Biblical code it will make you avoid confusion

Learn from all the sources not only from your lecturers but also from the talks and seminars held in campus(I've attended over 95% of all the talks that happened here). Don't study for your exams like some of your friends gather knowledge that can push you to higher life heights(try get an Upper Division,it's safer there when all go haywire),network,visit places,get a mentor,have fun,be adventurous,take risks,listen more,...This is your most critical moment,I can guarantee,you will miss it.Elsewhere in my final year of studies I developed immense passion for writing,entrepreneurship,acting,adventuring,IT..I guess you can now trace where your dad is like so.

Finally Son,your life has taken off at your age,I may not have much control of the choices you make.I apologize if I failed you as a Dad but learn from my mistakes.Just make me proud .I know later in life you will be a Dad like me,give the best to your Son too,I'll be a happy grandpa.
I'll always love you,never let your mum cry over you at any single moment.Give her peace.

Go live your life son Daddy loves you.

It has  been a journey Son,Part 1,Part II,Part III


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