Campus Confession I
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It's 9pm,I'm preparing my ugali at Meru 36,I'm wondering why is my ugali making funnier noise today,anyway,Physics was not my subject and connecting the sounds made when cooking and measuring the decibels is not in my mind.On finishing,stop imagining!,what you think was happening was happening in one of the rooms.And my night was,eeeh...
I'm cleaning dishes,I can be able to differentiate the smell of Shisha and herb from the smell of a stinking loo.
The drink looks like a soda,but from his behaviors either the soda has expired or deliberately contaminated.
When she opens up her mouth you can be sure there will be heavy words,the latest such that only Lucifer can decipher.
'Is that Mwakenya',my my my... 'I wish he went for programming that's where coding happens!'I exclaimed.
'Please come over for supper',That was a perfect invitation.I like when the burden of cooking is offloaded from me.I majestically walk to her premises.On entering,wa wa,I was about to black out,'I'm sorry to enter while you were dressing,I can excuse myself so that you dress up',I turned back to close the door,'Sam,stop that,I'm dressed just get in',Huu I knew it's gonna be the longest supper time I've ever had,but in one way or the other I survived the 'wrath'.
....Not to mention extreme rave the 'Sabina Joy' like,House parties,..............
These are just but examples of the things that happen in our campuses.I know the 3rd yrs are very happy to be allotted a single room,but that could be the worst thing that ever happened to you in your entire life if you are not cautious.I thank God to have escaped by whisker the temptations.Many fell victims of circumstances and are bitter of the aftermath.May they find solace.
Those things that we were being told about campus to be cautious about when one was joining in first year are real.I witnessed.If you have not yet seen or heard,strive hard not to experience them.Campus has anything one wants and one can easily get.Just choose.
I'm thankful to God to have heard my gentle prayer that I said when entering the gates of Campus my first day.I walked with Him and grew.That's the only thing that salvaged my four years of stay.Temptations were many,others seemed irresistible,but when one has a strong why to or not to,it becomes easier.
I can only prescribe the same dose to,you can be sure you will never be disappointed.What the Bible says you do just meekly follow,that calls for one making it their reference diary.I also realized that when your conscience sends a red signal just stop,there could be danger ahead.
The journey continues,Campus Confession II
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