What Will I Be Remembered For?

She could hear someone coming near her but she couldn't figure out who it was.
 Her eyes can partially see.

Upon opening my mouth, her face glowed as she smiled, warmly stretching her hands to greet me.

"Oooh welcome WaGichimu", she exclaimed in the local language as I sat on the pew outside the house. WaGichimu is in reference to Macharia son of Gichimu, the late grandpa whom I am named after.

She went ahead to complain of how quiet I've been. "...Even phone calls have been rare!" she exclaimed. It was true though I quickly added that my scarcity is the one that demanded my going. It was better for me to appear physically, rather than making a mere call.

She paused, looked closely at me, and even though I was expecting it, it made me burst out in laughter... That, I've become slender like one. The next question was, "Do you eat? Where does the food go to?"

I went ahead to explain that I have poor eating habits. She added that she knows I have a lot of thoughts from studies to planning my life, but then she said I should do something otherwise I would easily fall on the way.

She went ahead to tell me how life has been ranging from general body weakness, how there has been rain blessings, how her grand daughter-in-law had given her hard times, who had passed on...

My mind started drifting. I started focussing on her as a 100+yrs old individual, who could still afford to do basic things on her own.

Grandma is old, with her oldest great grand kid being 19yrs (third generation), and I have a feeling she will live on to see her fourth generation.

She has seen and gone through a lot. Good and bad are on her basket of experiences. The best thing she ever did is teaching her kids.They have given her the best she can ever dream of at her age.

The big question to me oftenly is: How will my life be at my old age? What will I leave behind? I know that one day my grandma will go to a no return journey, but she will sleep a happy woman.

What will I be remembered for? This question always reminds me of the great people of our times who I have admired for fearlessly fighting through and singing the music in their hearts.

The great musicians, scholars, pastors, writers, political leaders, entreprenuers...the list is endless. My heart races when I look at the achievements and impact of such people. It triggers my heart to fight for what I believe in and to always live my reason for life. The moment one knows what they were born for, they starting writing their legacy. 

One day, you and I will go,what shall will leave behind?

The ultimate legacy is here: "I have fought a good fight and I have kept the faith."


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